Tuesday, August 19, 2008

performance: Figure of Speech One

This was the "surrealism and humour" part of the series, and Stuart, Norma, Andrew, Jeff and Steven did not disappoint. The show began and ended with the musicians, which gave it a nice rounded feeling; just like the Ring Cycle, except one of the rhinemaidens played bassoon, with circular breathing, in 5/4.

Stuart was edgy and wacky, classic surrealism that gets its tension from the everyday modern. Norma had her trademark blend: over-the-top clowning, great characterization, graceful dancing.

One side of the stage was entirely covered in gongs, including the massive 120 pound gong. Steven is a very versatile player. Andrew got some very interesting effects out of a lap guitar as well.

I was happy that so many intrepid souls came despite the storm. The thunder and the 120 pound gong went together pretty well. Humanity versus Nature, what could have been more typically Canadian?

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